fell fell1 fall 的过去式。 fell2 vt. 1.砍倒(树等);弄倒;打倒。 2.把(破缝边缘)缝平。 n. 1.(树等)一季的采伐量。 2.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝。 adj. 〔古、诗〕残忍的,凶恶的,残暴的,致命的;尖锐的,剧烈的。 a fell and barbarous enemy 凶恶野蛮的敌人。 a fell disease 致命的病。 n. -ness n. 1.兽皮,毛皮,生皮。 2.(人的)皮肤。 3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛。 a fell of hair 乱蓬蓬的头发,发绺。 fell5 n. 1.〔北英〕高沼;丘原。 2.〔用作地名〕荒山,…岗,…丘陵。 n. feel Dr. Fell towards sb. 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人〔来自 Thomas Brown 的诗句: I do not love thee, Dr. Fell, / The reason why I cannot tell〕.
Meadows here is however falling foul of the classic chicken-and-egg argument . 这里,麦多斯陷入自古以来的“鸡和蛋”之争。
The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities . 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动,但他最终却与税务局惹上了是非。
The chain has fallen foul of plants in the water 链条已和水中的植物缠绕在了一起。
I fell foul of him one evening , i remember , at bowls 一天晚上我跟他吵过架,记得是在滚木球场上。 ”
The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动,但他最终却与税务局惹上了官非
The police never caught him in any criminal activity but he eventually fell foul of the tax authorities 警方从未当场见到他有犯罪活动,但他最终却与税务局惹上了官非
Firms that fall foul of regulators can be fined , though they can then launch legal appeals that last for years 管理者可以对卷入的公司处以罚金,可这些公司能够提起合法的上诉,这可能会持续数年。
By taking a constant interest in his son ' s progress , he helped to keep him on the rails when so many other young men were falling foul of the law 他一直关注着儿子的成长;当许多别的年轻人违法犯案时,他总是促使他安分守已。
Lotito ' s attempt to wash his hands of the incident will do nothing to repair the image of a club that has often fallen foul of the sport ' s governing bodies 洛蒂托试图在这件事之后修复俱乐部的形象,此前俱乐部多次因此类事件而受到牵连。
Falling foul of one officer for an unpolished ensign , of another for the unevenness of the rank , he approached the third company 他威吓一个军官,因为这个军官戴着尚未擦亮的奖章,又威吓另一个军官,因为他带的队伍不整,之后他就向第三连走去。